NLP in Hypnotherapy
Q: What is NLP?
A: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a model for understanding how people think, behave and communicate.  It was originally developed by studying the patterns of communication and thinking of highly successful people. From these studies have come many understandings about human behavior and change, and methods for learning other people’s successful strategies.
NLP provides specific “how to” skills to create change in one’s self and assist others in becoming more resourceful and effective. People in the field of the field of NLP have developed hundreds of processes that can greatly improve one’s personal effectiveness in almost any situation. Professionals in a variety of areas use these skills to assist others to become happier, more productive, and have better lives.
NLP techniques are found in coaching, psychotherapy, training and education, the creative arts, sales, and business.

Q: What are the presuppositions of NLP??
A: Some of the Beliefs of NLP are:
  1. Communication is redundant. You are always communicating in all five major representational systems
  2. The meaning of your communication is the response that you get. Communication is not about what you intend, or about saying the right words; it’s about creating an experience in, and getting a response from, the listener. The “bottom line” is the response you elicit.
  3. The map is not the territory. People respond to their map of reality, not to reality itself. NLP is the science of changing these maps (not reality).
  4. You create your own reality. You experience your personal reality, not the “truth.”
  5. Requisite variety. The element in a system with the most flexibility will be the controlling element.
  6. People work perfectly. No one is wrong or broken; it’s simply a matter of finding out how they function now, so that you can effectively change that to something more useful or desirable. People don’t need to be “fixed.”
  7. People always make the best choice available to them at the time. But often there are lots of other better ones.
  8. Every behavior is useful in some context.
  9. Choice is better than no choice.
  10. Just about anyone can learn to do anything. If one person can do something, it is possible to model it and teach it to anyone else.
  11. People already have all the resources they need. What they need is access to these resources at appropriate times and places.
  12. There is no such thing as failure, only feedback.
  13. Chunking. Anything can be accomplished by anyone, if you break the task down into small enough chunks.
  14. Behind every behavior is a positive intention. While a behavior may be harmful or seem “bad,” there is always a positive intention behind the behavior.
  15. Symptoms, pains, anxiety, depression, tumors, colds, etc., are communications about needed action.
  16. We are all responsible for creating our own experience. Even when challenging events that we cannot control happen, we are responsible for our responses to these events. Typically, however, we have much more control than we think we have. Another way of stating this presupposition is that we consistently create our own environment through our beliefs, filters, capabilities and behaviors.

Q: How can NLP be used to change my life?
A: NLP is designed to provide expedited results and better understanding of a person’s behavior and cognitive patterns. Additionally, it is often recognized as a method for accessing one’s inner (subconscious) knowledge and experiences and use that information as a tool for change. NLP has been compared to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), but is significantly different in its intricate distinctions and ability to facilitate transformation in shorter periods of time..

Q: How is NLP used during Hypnotherapy?
A: During Hypnotherapy, we will work with a client to determine their goals in the areas of emotional state, behavior patterns, and life aspirations. By examining the map that the client possesses, the client will be guided to find the skills that served them well and to strengthen those. Additionally, we will work with a client to formulate and develop new skills that will ultimately replace unproductive skills and behaviors, in order to achieve these desired outcomes. By clearly recognizing particular behavior patterns, a client can identify which ones to alter and design the necessary steps to change them.